Usually the sun is shining, birds are singing, pool is perfect – my favourite time of year … and then there’s reality: clouds in the sky, bucketing down rain, freezing cold. It’s nothing like what it should be!
I was at work today, and I had my iPod in almost as loud as it could go, so that I didn’t have to talk to anyone at work, and I couldn’t hear it over the rain!!! It was seriously raining that loudly that there was no way that I could hear anything except for the loud, loud pitter patter of rain on the iron roof… D;
So, the rain is supposed to continue for the next week or so, unfortunately, this means that there will be no swimming in my immediate future, but there may also be no dance concert! My dance concert is on Saturday, but it’s outside in the park, which means that if it’s raining, it gets delayed to Sunday night, and if it’s raining on Sunday, it gets moved to Monday, and if it’s raining on Monday night, tit gets moved to Tuesday night… and so on and so forth until it stops raining for one day.. Here’s hoping that it does rain on Saturday so that the concert can be on Sunday night so that my parents can come to the concert, or at least someone from my family can come.
Speaking of Summer, I’m working my way through The O.C.. I’ve been watching it since before my Chemistry exam (just after Methods) and am currently up to the 14th episode of the 4th season. I’m pretty sure that there are only 2 episodes left, so then I’ll have to find another something to take over my life… Maybe I’ll actually clean my room like my parents want me to…
But this, peeplets, is the end of my first ever blog.. Apologies for my inability to write blogs properly, I’ve only ever read 2 or 3, so I’m not actually sure what I should or shouldn’t say..
Tooroo for now, and I’ll catch you soon! ;D
It usually takes a little while to get the feel of blogging, and everyone has a unique approach to it. You've done really well so far. :D