Sunday, December 5, 2010

Becca Fitzpatrick's Duo

My favourite part about reading a book is talking about it, but in this case, as I have no one around who has read or is willing to read the books that I do, I have decided to influence you awesome people into reading, or at least appreciating, those book which I read and cherish.

Last night, I got all of two hours sleep, and it’s not because I didn’t try to sleep, I really did!!  Sleep just wouldn’t come!  So instead of sleep, I read.  It only took me 9 hours (for the average reader more like 4 hours) to read an entire novel.

And what novel did I read, you may be asking yourself.  The answer to your question is a simple one, and I am about to tell you about both the novel that I read and the one that came before it; starting with:

Hush Hush

OMG!!  Amazing!!  Patch, the protagonistic, supermegafoxyawesomehot, sexy love interest is one of the main reasons I read the book so many times!!  I seem to always go for the rebellious, hot, wounded guys in the novels, over the nice, polite, chivalrous ones.  A reflection of my real life state??  I’ll let you know one day  ;D

So a brief outline is that Nora, the protagonist, is the descendent of a Nephilim – offspring of fallen angels and humans.  One day Patch, as describe above is a fallen angel, and he walks into Nora’s life.  He intends to sacrifice her, but heyy presto! He falls in love with her and she with him..  He ends up saving her life and gets turned into her guardian angel.  That’s pretty much the guts of the story, just add in some hot and steamy kissing that makes you go all tingly because of its romanticness…

It may not be written in the most complex writing and is quite an easy read, but it sure is worth the read because, without Patch in your life, something’s just don’t seem right!!

And the sequel to this brilliance is:


This is the one that I spent 9 hours reading, and it was worth every moment!!!  It is definitely the kind of book that you can’t put down on your first reading, or your second, or your third.  Maybe by the fifth or sixth run through, your not constantly sitting on the edge of you seat waiting for Patch to tell Nora that he loves her, or trying to find out who the murderer is…

A little heads up that what follows contains spoilers, so if you haven’t read it yet, close your eyes and scream “LALALALALALALA!” at the top of you lungs and block your ears and call out “I can’t hear you!”  All the things you do to stop hearing and seeing things…

So, Patch and Nora are really happy together, two months has past between the end of the first novel and the start of the second.  Then they swap some jewelry and Nora tells Patch that she loves him… Then things turn pare shaped!!  He gets distant, she gets moody, neither can say what they are really thinking or feeling. 

Nora’s best friend from her childhood comes back and turns out to be a Nephilim.  It’s dangerous to hang out with him, but she does it anyway – her idea of making a stand to Patch.  Nora soon finds out that Patch is hooking up with her enemy, Marcie, who also turns out to be her sister (Nora’s father wasn’t her real father, but Marcie’s father, also a Nephilim!  Wow!  Intense much??)

In the end, the killer is caught, only moments before Nora is killed.. It was quite disappointing, though, because I kind of guessed the killer from about half way through and just had to sit and wait to find out what happened…

Needless to say, Patch and Nora end up together, but there’s a surprise ending that even I didn’t foresee!!  Which now leaves the question…

What is going to happen in the third book!!???!?!??!?!?!?!?!

**  You can read again  ;D  **

So, the third book is called Tempest, which sounds quite interesting..

Something else that I find interesting, is that Hush Hush means to be quiet, Crescendo means to get louder and Tempest means wild storm, commotion, blizzard, bluster, chaos, convulsion, cyclone, disturbance, ferment, furor, gale, hurricane, squall, tornado, tumult, typhoon, upheaval, uproar, wildness, windstorm…

In other words, the first book is quiet, the second, heating up, and the third… WOAH!!!  That’s going to be HOT and STEAMY!!!!!!!  I can picture it now!!

Time for bed now, peeplets, so sleep, dream pretty dreams, or hot and steamy ones if that’s what you do.. But by all means, dream of Patch, I know I will   ;D



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