Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rain Dance Bugs…

Unfortunately, it didn’t rain tonight, which meant that the concert went ahead, but my sister did turn up in time to see my two of my three dances - all turned out good in the end.

Tonight’s concert was the funniest, most disgusting concert ever!!   It was full of tears, dancing, gorgeous little kids, rain and BUGS!!!!!!

There were soooo many bugs on stage that it was GROSS!!!!  The most disgusting thing that I’ve ever been apart of!  Locusts and Beetles, Flies and Spiders, all things that creep me out.  I can still feel them crawling on me..  EWW!!!!

And to top it all off, one of my friends got dumped by her 28 year old boyfriend who she was intending to move in with in Melbourne next year… hhmmmmm… the most awkward position I have ever been put in – yes, it sucks that he broke up with you, but isn’t it better that he did it now, rather than in 2 months time when you’re living together???????   Apparently not!!

But my concert:

First dance:  The music on stage was barely audible!!  This meant that our entire dance started about 20 counts behind and we weren’t even dancing to the beat!!  By the time that we caught up to the music and all danced to the same beat, we had about 30 seconds left in the dance  D;  Ooopss!!!!

Second dance:  Scarecrows!!  But with a twist…  we’re the ones scared of crows, not the other way around!  The music was turned up by this stage, so it was all good in that department, but I danced the entire dance with a beetle on my boob!  As we waited to go on, we watched the thunder in the distance and laughed at how funny it would be if it started raining during our dance – and then it did!!  ;D  I rolled over several bugs during the dance, being left with bloody stains all over my costume, which I never have to see again!  ;D

Third and Final dance:  a bug crawled down my dress as I danced, making its way into my pants…  I think that I may have flashed the boys in the front row at some point, but I’ll never see them again, so I don’t really care..

After the finale, it’s a tradition that the leaving year 12s give a little thank you speech to our teacher and her hubby for all their hard work and stuff, and I found out just as we went on for the dance that they had nominated me to do the talking… hhmmmmm… Apparently I’m good at the impromptus, because everyone who I talked to afterwards gave me glowing reviews for it..

And now…  it’s raining buckets!!  Just a little bit late, man!!  If only the clouds could have opened up 4 hours ago!  But we danced and the rain came…  One could say that we did a pretty awesome rain dance  ;D

Anywho, I’m pretty sure that it’s late and I’m pooped, which means, peeplets, this it the end of another blog from yours truly!



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